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Retiree 健康 Plan

Depending on your retirement tier, 你可能有资格参加365滚球官网退休人员健康计划. 请 submit a tier request 在你预期退休日期的前一年,向福利服务查询你的选择.


如果你没有资格通过学校获得退休医疗保险,或者觉得学校的计划不适合你的需要,你可以选择在其他地方购买保险. 请查看以下信息并仔细考虑您的选择. 365滚球官网退休人员健康计划选举是不可撤销的.

如果你即将退休,并选择加入退休人员健康计划, please review information on transitioning to the plan.

如果你已经退休并参加了退休人员健康计划, the information below describes your coverage. 联系 with any questions.

Plan Options and Coverage

The university offers two retiree health plans:

The plans also differ based on your Medicare eligibility:

您的退休人员健康计划选择(退休人员PPO或退休人员HDHP)适用于您参加保险的所有家属,并且是不可撤销的. 你将没有机会在未来的计划之间切换.

Relationship to Medicare

In order to participate in the retiree health plan, 当你第一次获得资格时,你必须参加医疗保险A部分和B部分. 除非你有残疾使你有资格提前享受医疗保险, 医疗保险将在你满65岁的那个月的第一天生效.

The retiree health plan is not a Medicare Supplement. Once you are enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, 医疗保险成为主要保险,大学退休人员健康计划是次要的. 退休人员健康计划与您的其他保险范围相协调,并根据福利维护(MOB)规定处理索赔, 这意味着它会协调你所有医疗计划的福利支付,以便在支付所有费用后,计划福利保持在退休人员健康计划设定的水平.

Dental and Vision Coverage



Prescription Drug Coverage

退休人员PPO计划和退休人员HDHP计划都提供处方药保险,直到您符合医疗保险资格和/或年满65岁. The prescription drug benefit is administered by CVS Caremark.

If you are a 一级 retiree on the Retiree PPO Plan, 你可以通过 SilverScript Prescription Drug Plan after you become Medicare eligible. For retirees in all other tiers/plans, prescription drug coverage ends with Medicare eligibility. 您可以自行购买单独的医疗保险D部分药物计划. 信用覆盖证书将邮寄到您的家庭在医疗保险资格. 该证书允许您在大学处方药计划终止后的第二个月的第一天过渡到医疗保险D部分.


如果您是第二级或第二级,选择退休人员PPO计划, 一旦您符合医疗保险资格,大学将提供报销津贴,以代替处方药保险. 该津贴通过健康公平管理的健康报销账户提供,可用于处方药费用或医疗保险D部分计划. 看到 HRA FAQs sheet for more information.

Retiree Death Benefit

A death benefit is available to 一级 retirees on all plans. 请 review the Retiree Death Benefit Plan Summary for additional information. To add or change beneficiaries, please complete the Retiree Death Benefit Beneficiary Form.

Enrolling Dependents

When you first enroll in the retiree health plan, 这是将你的配偶或其他符合条件的家属加入你的计划的唯一机会, except under the following circumstances:

  • If your spouse is an active University of Idaho employee, 他们可能会在他们退休或离职后的第二天加入你的计划.
  • 您可以在结婚之日起30天内或出生或收养之日起60天内增加新的配偶或新的受抚养人.


注意:一些退休人员为配偶或家属选择短期COBRA保险, 因为保险费用低于退休人员健康计划下的费用. 您也可以为您自己和您的家属选择COBRA牙科和视力保险,期限最长为18个月. 当您接近退休时,有关COBRA的信息将邮寄到您的家庭住址.

Rates and Paying for Coverage


Rates for all tiers and plans are available below. 请 contact Benefit 服务 with any questions.

Paying for your coverage

You will be billed monthly for your retiree health coverage. Payment is required by pre-authorized bank draft (ACH). 请 use the Pre-Authorized Checking Registration Form to set up payment. Checks, credit cards and bill pay are not accepted.


If you do not pay your cost of coverage in a timely manner, 你的大学退休健康计划将终止,你将丧失在以后加入该计划的权利.

Tier IV: Sick Leave Conversion

If you are in Tier IV, 不超过600小时的未使用病假的一半可用于支付退休人员的第四级退休人员健康计划保险费用. 病假转换不能用于支付家属的保险费用, dental or vision coverage, voluntary benefits or life insurance. When your sick leave credits run low, 您将收到一封信,说明如何更改为直接计费或终止您的计划.

For retirees in tiers I, II和III, 未使用的病假不支付,没有现金价值或转换选项.

Physical Address:
415 West 6th Street
Moscow, ID 83844-4332 

Mailing Address:

875 Perimeter Drive MS 4332
Moscow, ID 83844-4332

Monday - Friday: 7:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.

Academic Year Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. 至5点.m.

Phone: 208-885-3697

Fax: 208-885-3330

